According to the latest gossip news updates, Big Bang Theory cast member Kaley Cuoco and her professional tennis playing husband, Ryan Sweeting, are ready to get pregnant and start a family. Word has it that the topless nude Instagram bikini feet model already put the powers that be on baby notice. While Priceline Penny has reportedly been focusing on her burgeoning family, Blossom alum, Mayim Bialik, has been busy telling everyone how to raise theirs. The grumpy, 37-year-old actress also attacked Ariana Grande's billboards promoting her new album--claiming that it looks like the 22-year-old singer is trying to sale lingerie or stilettos not music. Believe it or not, Mayim and her little boys also hated Frozen.
Instead of worrying about all the reports that their marriage was near divorce, reports suggest that Big Bang Theory millionaire and her hubby, Ryan Sweeting, have been planning for their future.
According to a source that spoke with OK! Magazine, Kaley has even gone so far as to let the producers of the popular sitcom know that they may all soon be dealing with a baby on board:
"Kaley has already chosen a room for a nursery (and painted it yellow)...[and] she's told her bosses to plan around her pregnancy, which could be later this year."
Apparently--having already had her kids--Cuoco's costar, Mayim Bialik, is focused on letting everyone else know how they should be living their lives.
During an rant on, Bialik attacked last year's most popular animated movie, Frozen, as sending the wrong message to kids on top of promoting unrealistic body types amongst impressionable young girls (via Yahoo Movies):
"We still have a plot about the identification of a woman being based on her desire and search to meet a man.
"My biggest problem with this movie was the way the female characters are drawn and animated. The male characters look like cartoon men.
"They have some exaggerated features, sure. But by and large, they look like they have the proportions of human beings."
Truth be told, Idina Mezel and Kristen Bell need not feel all that bad about contributing to the brain washing of a generation, once they've heard the few choice words that old maid Mayim used to describe Ariana Grande's latest ad campaign (via Huffington Post):
"There is one [billboard] for Ariana Grande, and I will go ahead and admit I have no idea who she is or what she does.
"Based on the billboard, she sells lingerie. Or stiletto heels. Or plastic surgery because every woman over 22 wishes she has that body, I'm sure.
"If I want to see women in lingerie, I can walk through any mall with a Victoria's Secret."
Ah, yes...but the world wasn't made for you and yours alone, Mayim...and you are just going to have to learn to share it with the rest of us.
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