Apple just released details of their Apple Watch, a new 2014 device that was dubbed the iWatch by the press. Photos and videos of the timepiece are now available, as Apple execs are discussing features, including: fitness tracking, a digital crown, style customization, display resolution and more. You can check out videos and photos of the device here.
In case you're not able to watch today's Apple event live, we have all the info you need about the upcoming iWatch, which Tim Cook describes as the most personal device Apple has ever created.
Digital Crown: This is a new feature for Apple, as well as any other tech manufacturer. The circular tool, fixed on the side of the watch, will allow users to magnify content without blocking the screen, as well as scroll and navigate.
Display Resolution: The watch will have a flexible Retina display, laminated to a single crystal of sapphire.
Fitness: By using visible-light LEDs, infrared technology and photosensors, the device will be able to detect your heart rate.
Customization: With multiple watch faces and different style settings, there are literally millions of ways to customize the device, which is built using 18-karat gold and the finest of materials. Changing your watch face simply requires a user to swipe, using Force Touch.
Communication: Send and receive texts directly from the device. Users can also send information to other iWatch wearers, including images drawn on the device and your own heartbeat, which is measured by the device.
Apps: With the new Apple Watch comes the opportunity for a wide array of new apps, designed using the new WatchKit platform.
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