Flying Lotus world premiered his first single “Moment of Hesitation” to Gilles Peterson on his BBC Radio 6 show. “Moment of Hesitation” featuring Herbie Hancock, is off his fifth album, You're Dead! due out October 6 via Warp Records.
On the show, a sleepy Flying Lotus, aka Steven Ellison, chatted it up with Gilles on the horn from LA about Your Dead! and working with Herbie Hancock moments before the premiere.
The man behind the Brainfeeder label recently told Rolling Stone where the idea for what was originally a traditional jazz album came from.
“I was just kind of frustrated with where shit was going: All this Starbucks jazz shit is just annoying to me, he said.
“Me and Thundercat always sit around listening to these crazy jazz fusion albums, just bugging out like, "Man, why isn't there anything that's out like this right now?"
Amongst Herbie Hancock’s traditional jazz spice; Your Dead! features Kendrick Lamar (who he has wanted to work with since Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City), Thundercat and Snoop Dogg to name a few. To wit, Flying Lotus recently did a soon-to-be published interview on Snoop Dogg’s GGN Network.
Listen below for the Thundercat bass drops and tickled piano keys on the BBC Radio 6 show clip.
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