Three Day Hangover presents Drunkle Vanya, a boozy take on Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya adapted and directed by Lori Wolter Hudson at The Gin Mill this September.
Drunkle Vanya is set to the theme of the Cards Against Humanity game and will feature various types of vodka shots. The pairing of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya with “the party game for horrible people,” will feature all of the best kind of Russian angst, games and jokes.
Drunkle Vanya is part of Three Day Hangovers’ 2014 season, for which they were running a Kickstarter to fund production costs, publicity, marketing and money to pay the labors of their actors. Their Kickstarter finished out at 60% higher than their goal. Must be all the beer they promise.
Three Day Hangover co-founder Lori Wolter Hudson directs a cast of Joel Rainwater, Amanda Sykes, Sean Tarrant, Leah Walsh and David Hudson with assistant direction by Vichet Chum and graphic design by Ligature Creative.
Preview performances for Drunkle Vanya will be held at 8pm on Thursday and Friday, September 4 and 5. Opening night is September 9 and from there on the show will run from September 9 to 18 with the exception of September 14, at 8pm. Again, there is no performance on September 14th. Performances will take place at The Gin Mill located at 442 Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan.
Tickets are $15 available at or and there is even a cash bar with no drink limit available, should you need any more alcohol.
Watch below as Three Day Hangovers’ David, Beth and Lori tell you why you shoul be watching classic Shakespeare or Chekov in a bar and not a traditional theater.
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