The cast of NBC’s upcoming Peter Pan Live Musical Event, is growing. First Christopher Walken was cast as the dastardly Captain Hook, followed by Girls star (and Brian Williams' daughter) Allison Williams as Peter Pan her/himself. Now Mister Smee has been confirmed. Smash actor and Sutton Foster ex-husband, Christian Borle will play Hook’s right hand man, as well Mr. Darling, a role that is normally tackled by the same actor who play’s Hook.
The first big named attached to the project was the beloved actor, Christopher Walken, as Captain Hook. .
NBC’s Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt via a press statement:
"He's not only one of the most versatile actors in our business, but his love of musicals and uncanny abilities as a dancer make him perfect for stepping into this classic James M. Barrie character."
Walken himself commented on the casting, adding:
"I started my career in musicals and it's wonderful after all this time, at this point in my career, to be in this classic musical I watched as a child and to work with Neil Meron and Craig Zadan again after Hairspray/ It's a chance to put on my tap shoes again."
Of course Hook wouldn’t be Hook without Peter Pan. Last week the network announced they had found Pan, via Twitter:
“Dreams do come true! #Girls star Allison Williams will play Peter Pan.”
Girls star and Brian Williams daughter,Allison Williams, commented on the casting in a press release:
“I have wanted to play Peter Pan since I was about three years old, so this is a dream come true. It’s such an honor to be a part of this adventure, and I’m very excited to get to work with this extraordinarily talented team. And besides what could go wrong in a live televised production with simultaneous flying, sword fighting and singing?”
Brian WIlliams confirmed her claim by showing a picture of her in Peter Pan garb young child when he announced the casting on NBC News:
What do you think of the new cast additions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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