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Lady Gaga Gun Bra Rolling Stone Photo: Twitter Reacts to Crazy Concert Costume, Cool or Disrespectful?

Lady Gaga pulled another controversial act by wearing a gun bra at her recent concert. Twitter users and netizens are talking, but this is not a new outfit. A few years ago, Lady Gaga appeared on the cover photo of Rolling Stone with machine guns coming out of her bra.

What is the difference between that time and the current time? Many argue that her choice was insensitive due to the recent shootings especially Sandy Hook that left the nation and world speechless. Controversy surrounding gun control erupted and the latest Gaga outfit seemed to remind everyone of the recent tragedies.

People all over the web spoke out about the gun bra. Some defended the singer and her right of freedom of speech in America. Some others criticize that the freedom of speech should not be used at the expense and pain of others.

Here are some of the latest tweets surround this controversy:

I think people are reading too much into her wardrobe, she wears MEAT, and rides unicorns #whatev

Lady Gaga may be trending for the machine gun bra but the real crime is those pants! She looks awful!

well I LOOOOVED your gun bra. People are always gonna hate on you for being different and standing out above the rest.

To everybody finally complaining about @ladygaga 's gun bra, She's been wearing it WW since the beginning of the BTW Ball. Get over it.

Everyone is acting like @ladygaga hasn't been wearing this gun bra for 3 years already! It's not like she made it because of the shootings!

Lady Gaga's wear machine gun bra on stage 1 month after Newtown! Does this chick watch the news? WTF??

Just another reason added to the list of reasons to hate lady gaga

Bras dont kill people! #LoveLadyGaga

What are your thoughts on Lady Gaga's decision to bring out her weapon underwear for the world to see? Do you think it's insensitive or do you think it's cool? Sound off below!