In light of the recently re-released series, Sailor Moon crowd-sourced remake project, "Moon Animate Make-Up," invited more than 250 animators, inuding Bob's Burgers' Ashley Armstrong, with varying styles to contribute their original artwork for a shot-for-shot re-animation of episode 38 of the original series, "Fractious Friend,” which originally aired in 1995.
"I animated it in the style of Bob’s Burgers since I am a trainee animator on that show,” said artist Ashley Armstrong to The Daily Dot on her stylistic approach.
The mediums the artists, beginners to pros, chose to work with for their 1-10 second clip were as vast as their style, including hand-painted submissions, CG and 16-bit.
Started in October of last year on Tumblr, Moon Animate Make-Up has already reached over one million viewers of the video's kaleidoscopic patchwork animation- think "Star Wars Uncut- providing a vast opportunity for the animators to showcase their talent. Each shot features the artists’ name and web address to their portfolios.
Wondering what’s next? A quick glimpse at the Moon Amine Make-Up Tumblr account, and you'll see additional opportunities to collaborate on more animated make-ups, some Sailor Moon related, some completely unrelated, international tweets of recognition in Japanese, Chinese, and Russian and even artists' submissions.
Watch below the animated quilt work 22-minute episode "Fractious Friend," featuring some fine Ren and Stimpy inspired artwork.
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