There is a new rumor making the rounds on Facebook and Twitter that actor and comedian Tracy Morgan had died for a few minutes after the tragic Wal-Mart truck hit his limo bus. The crash severely injured Morgan and killed his close friend James “Jimmy Mack” McNair. So hearing that Morgan himself was dead, even for a few minutes, was a bit scary and unbelievable. What was even more shocking was here that Morgan had a pulled a Heaven is Real type resurrection only to claim that Heaven is Real...boring. It turns out the 30 Rock and SNL funnyman had to come back to this life because heaven was no fun. However, upon closer inspection (and the application of basic common since) you can find out that the story is really a Facebook and Twitter hoax by the satirical website The Daily Leak.
The Leak’s fake report claims that Tracy Morgan died and came back to life, saying:
“Heaven is too boring and normal. I can’t be normal. If I’m normal, I’m boring. If I’m boring, I’m not a movie star. If I’m not a movie star, than I’m poor! And poor people can’t afford to pay back the $75,000 in cash they owe Quincy Jones! Heaven is full of boring people, with boring lives, it just sucks. F**k this, I’m going to Vegas to be a zoologist…”
This satirical report is a bit insistive, considering that Tracy Morgan’s friend James “Jimmy Mack” McNair, actually did die. However, after reading the article, it seems like less of an intentional cruel joke, and more misguided but loving tribute to Morgan’s career. The aforementioned quote reads like something straight out of an episode of 30 Rock, with the zoologist line being a direct reference to Morgan’s famous SNL sketch, Brian Fellows.
The report also drops another 30 Rock, “quoting” Morgan as saying:
“None of my favorite people were there [in heaven]. I might have to try that other place after I finish googling myself [Morgan believes 'googling' is a synonym for masturbation].”
The good news is that Morgan is honestly on the road to recovery. Morgan recently made his first public comments h to reporters:
“I’m OK, I feel strong. Love you, thank you very much. Appreciate it.”
What do you think of the Daily Leak’s satire? Was it distasteful or was it all in good fun. Were you fooled by the report? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Also check out the official disclaimer for the Daily Leak:
“The content of the posts and comments on DailyLeak.Org are not endorsed, approved, or otherwise representative of the opinions of the DailyLeak.Org, its owner, or the site moderators. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. All information, data, and material contained, presented, or provided on is for entertainment purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing medical, legal, or financial advice.”
“The Daily Leak is a satirical website. The contents of the may not be reprinted or re-transmitted in whole or in part without the express written consent of the publisher. The Daily Leak is not intended for readers under 18 years of age. The Daily Leak uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases where public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.”
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