NBC’s Heroes is being Reborn in a limited series reboot. Ever since the show was announced earlier this year, old cast members have been plagued with questions about their possible return to the franchise. Recently, Dr. Who and Leftovers star Christopher Eccleston has opened up about returning the series. American Horror Story vet and Star Trek star Zachary Quinto has also recently spoken up about the weather or not he will be returning to the series or not.
Christopher Eccleston may be known for his roles in Doctor Who, G.I. Joe, The Leftovers, and Thor 2: The Dark Word. However, once of his earlier roles has gone largely unnoticed, mainly because it was supposed to. Eccleston played the invisible man, Claude Rains, on the NBC series, Heroes. Eccleston recently spoke to MTV about a possible return for the new Heroes: Reborn reboot:(Via HitFix):
“I had a great time on that show/ I’d always be interested. That was a great character. I love that guy.”
However, Eccleston later told Vulture, that he may have jumped the gun, telling the publication:
“I’ve not been approached. To be honest, I was just on the red carpet for our premiere and someone popped the question. Of course, I was positive about it. I wish them all the very best with their venture. I had a very good time. If they approached me I’d certainly listen to them. I don’t know that they’re going to need that character, but if they asked me, I’d certainly be interested.”
During Comic-Con 2014, MTV caught up with Sylar himself, Zachary Quinto, who confirmed that he would not return for the reboot:
“Tim [Kring, Producer] and I have actually been in touch. I love Tim Kring, I love what he does. His imagination, his mind, and his ability to execute it are all so impressive. He brought me in early, you know? He really changed my whole life in so many ways. I feel so excited for them, that they’re doing it again...He has new, creative ideas that he wants to put out there, and so do I, in other ways. We have connected about that. I wish them so much good fortune with it, I can’t wait to watch it, but I don’t think I’m going to be a part of it. We’re all on different paths, and that path got me to where I am, but I can’t just go back to it because of that. And I think he understands that.”
What cast members do you want to see return? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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