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‘Mad Men’ Alison Brie New Netflix Show Bojack with ‘Breaking Bad’ Aaron Paul After ‘Community’ Cancellation [TRAILER]

If Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and the hours upon hours of streaming TV and Movies was not enough to get you to shell out the $8 bucks a month for Netflix, than maybe this will tip the scales. The online network is about to air an all new original animated comedy, Bojack Horseman. The new comedy is about a former Hollywood bigshot, turned has been, who also happens to be a Horseman. Arrested Development’s Will Arnett takes the lead in the series with a little help from Breaking Bad Jesse Pinkman actor Aaron Paul and Mad Men’s Alison Brie. Brie might soon be both Netflix and Hulu original programing. Brie’s cult comedy series, Community has reportedly been eyed for sixth season renewal Hulu Plus after NBC canceled the series.

Netflix just released the second season of the hit prison drama Orange is the New Black, and next up in their original series queue is Bojack Horseman. The new animated comedy is set to debut on the streaming service on August 22.

The IMDB page for the series, referred to as, BoJack Horseman: A Tale of Fear, Loathing and Animals, offers a synopsis that reads:

“Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the 90s - 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show ‘Horsin' Around,’ but today he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.”

The show will also feature the talents of Amy Sedaris and Paul F. Tompkins. Check out the trailer for the animated series and let us know what you think in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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