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Marvel Phase Three: Solo Scarlett Johansson ‘Black Widow; and Jeremy Renner ‘Hawkeye' Movie Rumors

Production for Marvel’s upcoming Avengers 2: Age of Ultron has begun, and fans and the studio are already looking to Phase Three and beyond. Now talks of a solo Black Widow film, starring Scarlett Johansson have started popping back up. No word yet on what that means for the already slighted Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner.

Forget everything you know about the Avengers. All of that changes at the end of Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. Ok maybe not everything, we are pretty sure that Thor still has a hammer and that Iron Man doesn’t have a sex change.

However, the MCU will undergo some major shakeups. Kevin Feige, Marvel’s president of production official tongue flapper, recently chatted up Total Film about the new movie:

“We wanted to change the dynamic of the cinematic universe with this film. We wanted Cap and really the entire cinematic universe to be very different at the end of ‘Winter Soldier’ than it is at the beginning.”

Feige has not forgot about his plans to push a Black Widow solo feature. Feige is starting by giving the character a big boost in new film.

“(Black) Widow’s part in that is very big. We learn more about her past and learn more about where she came from and how she became in that film. The notion of exploring that even further in her own film would be great, and we have some development work with that. When we meet the Avengers at the top of ‘Age of Ultron,’ it’s a very different landscape than we left them at the end of the first film. Partially, that’s because we love the rhythm that the comic books have developed--each of the characters appear in their runs, occasionally they get together for a big event or crossover series, they part again, and then they come back together again.”

Now if Marvel can only make things up to Jeremy Renner who was severely unhappy with his role as Hawkeye in the first film.

Would like to see a solo Hawkeye film? Let us know in the comments section below.

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