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Ali Forney Center Nears Campaign Goal to Buy Hate Church: James Manning Vows to Fight Sale

Dr. James David Manning isn’t too happy with the Ail Forney Center’s attempt to buy the church, as LGBTQ Nation quotes:

“We’re not going to be pushed like this. I’m tired of people ramming their ideas down one’s throat.”

It should be noted that LGBTQ Nation’s report says that he literally thumped a Bible while making his statement.

The church reportedly owes $355.000 in federal tax liens and other debts. Manning missed an April 2015 due date to pay creditors $1.02 million.

Manning is planning to fight the sale of the church, claiming;

“I don’t plan to pay up, but if I had to, I could. I wouldn’t give this building up.”

At the time of this report the Ali Forney Center had raised $186,355 towards their $200,000 goal. You can support the campaign by visiting